Alcohol Content
Alcohol content analysis of Isopropanol and Ethanol for your sanitation products. Unless hands are visibly soiled, an alcohol-based hand rub is preferred over soap and water in most clinical situations due to evidence of better compliance compared to soap and water. An Alcohol percentage of 60-95% is recommended by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) to be effective against microorganisms.
Unknown Screen
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) is used for qualitative unknown screening of volatile or semi-volatile compounds. GC-MS is the industry gold standard for the identification “fingerprinting” of compounds. Your sample is then compared to over 40 000 compounds in the United States NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) library to provide a comparative percentage match of the compound. Note, compounds must have a boiling point under 320°C.
Heavy Metals / Trace Elements Analysis
Contamination of products with trace elements can result from numerous origins. These include environmental pollution, contaminated water, in-process contamination from containers and vessels used during manufacturing, and finally from final product packaging. Metal alloy elemental composition may be desired by the current industry. Please inquire about elemental analysis test panels offered at NAFS.
Food and Beverage Microbiology
Microbial testing is essential to ensure that food and beverages do not contain any harmful bacteria or micro-organisms. At NAFS we have several test panels available covering a wide variety of bacteria, yeast and moulds. Since microbial analysis requires incubation, the laboratory turnaround time for these test panels is slower than the standard turnaround time.