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We're undergoing some changes

As of 1 May 2024, NAFS now falls under the
PET Labs umbrella
This includes changes to our contact details
Phone: 012 111 7727
to Work
to About

NAFS Laboratory
National Analytical Forensic Services (NAFS) Laboratory is committed to providing our clients with quality and timely analytical testing results for their South African and international regulatory needs. We aim to be a recognised accredited laboratory that complies with the current ISO 17025 requirements.

NAFS laboratory employs current, state of the art analytical instrumentation to ensure the quality of service in the South African market. We employ weekly, monthly and yearly calibration on all our equipment. Partnered with Global leaders in analytical instrumentation our clients can rest assured they receive the best.

Experienced Staff
All personnel are properly trained and knowledgeable in the analyses they perform. The staff is committed to work efficiently and report only the highest quality data. Reliability and trustworthiness of scientific data are at the forefront of what we do. With decades worth of combined experience, you can trust our staff with your testing needs.

Confidence in Results
A duplicate analysis is performed on samples. This means that our clients receive a dual confirmation on every analysis. We as a laboratory strive to achieve a high standard of ethics as well as client confidentiality because we realise the implications our results have on individuals as well as the environment.

We are a SAHPRA (South African Health Product Regulatory Authority) licensed laboratory. Audits from this body are performed according to WHO (World Health Organisation) and Pic/s (The Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention and Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme) guidelines

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